Have you ever found yourself in a situation at work, in a friendship, or in a relationship where you realized, "No, this isn’t me"?
I sure have, in all three categories. A few years back, as I started my self-growth journey, I came to the realization that I had friendships that no longer served me, a job that was not the best fit for me, and a seriously toxic relationship with some family members. It felt like someone lifted a veil, and I was finally seeing how out of sorts things really were.
You know how they say that in every situation, everyone involved is culpable for the outcome? Well, I was culpable for allowing friendships that weren’t meant to last to continue. I let myself work a job where I wasn’t taken seriously and was treated like someone’s dumpster therapist. As for family, I allowed people who didn’t respect or appreciate me to try to define me. I was living in a true inferno!
To be perfectly clear, I did not wake up one morning and realize, "This is not me." It took time to see that I was surrounded by toxic individuals who thought it was okay to take and never replenish my cup. It was literally draining me, and I never felt at peace. The very people I surrounded myself with were the problem, bringing plenty of low energy into my life.
Red Flags That Made Me Realize "No, This Isn’t Me":
One-sided, with very little reciprocation
Unreliable individuals
Not trustworthy
A supervisor who treated me as their therapist, despite my efforts to keep conversations professional
Patronized because of my age
Had a supervisor who gave credit for my ideas and work, to others
When handing in my notice, I was treated terribly and lied to about management having "plans" for me
Used me for their personal gain
Downplayed my achievements
Acted disrespectfully
Ways to Keep Your Peace and Align Yourself with Better Situations:
Seek friends who reciprocate your energy and effort
Build relationships with reliable and trustworthy people
Set boundaries and stick to them
Find a job where your contributions are valued
Keep professional boundaries and avoid overly personal interactions with colleagues
Look for a supportive work environment that promotes growth
Establish clear boundaries with family members who don’t respect you
Focus on relationships that uplift and support you
Don’t allow toxic family members to define your worth
What are some experiences you’ve had that made you say, "No, this isn’t me"? How did you overcome them?
See you in the next post!
Yours Truly,